Fiche technique |
With the family about to fly the nest this professional couple decided it was time to inject a new lease of life into their impressive Victorian villa.
Their plan was to build a garden room to act as a modern living area-cum-entertainments hub for the family to come together. Here they could enjoy everything from the latest movies and CDs to flicking through their digital photo albums.
But when it came to the interior design the lady of the house gave some succinct guidance on the AV: “I don’t want to see boxes!… And no grilles”!
Invisible solution
To conceal the “boxes” and cables they built a false chimney and when the electrician mentioned Amina’s Invisible Plaster-In loudspeakers mounted in the walls they realised they could also have a “speakerless” interior. When installed correctly Amina Loudspeakers are truly invisible. Create a void within a plasterboard or ceiling opening, mount them into this space, skim over with 1.5 mm plaster skim. Once the plaster is dry decorate like the rest of the wall and they become invisible. The process is just as simple for solid walls.
Designed to last
But what happens when they go wrong? The answer is that they’re designed not to go wrong - just like under floor heating. Amina have engineered their loudspeakers to have no moving parts and they also come with an in-line protection box to stop the speakers being overdriven.
Great for large rooms
Aminas produce audio in a unique way that means that the sound created gives a more even ambient coverage sweeping through large spaces and into corners. This was ideal as both the kitchen and drawing room now opened out into the garden room. The sound projected from the garden room seamlessly flows through these rooms giving high quality ambient sound in all.
Freeing the walls from the clutter of traditional speakers has really added to the feeling of room. This easy, relaxed living space effortlessly welcomes the house into the garden, and the garden into the house.