Fiche technique |
The world famous Toroko Restaurant in the exclusive Langham Place Hotel, Hong Kong offers the very essence of authentic Japanese cuisine. Here, Amina have infused another subtle acoustic flavour with the installation of their invisible Plaster In-wall loudspeakers.
At the heart of the Toroko experience is the classic, minimalist Japanese design. The new top-of-the-range commercial audio system had to blend in without impacting the interior visually.
“We understood from the beginning that the whole installation had to be in harmony, not only acoustically but aesthetically as well”, explains Nick Stephens of Nexus Technology the AV installer.
“We chose the Amina speakers as we knew that a zero visual footprint was what the client wanted. What we didn’t realise at that stage were the other advantages we would get”.
Nexus installed 35 LFi invisible Amina plaster In-wall speakers in the ceiling of the entire restaurant.
As it says, the Amina speakers are actually plastered into the wall or ceiling. Mount them within a plasterboard opening in a wall or ceiling, skim over with 1.5 mm layer plaster skim and the surfaces are ready for decoration. The process is just as simple for solid walls.
The way they work
Amina’s speakers produce sound in the same way traditional musical instruments such as an acoustic guitar, cello or piano produce audio, by creating vibrations on their panel face.
In addition to being invisible because of their leading edge technology they sound they generate is diffuse and non-directional - it evolves in all directions in a hemispherical wave. It means in a large room the sound sweeps through the whole space and into the corners to give a more even, ambient coverage.
These attributes also offer the installer more flexibility in installation as the precise location is less relevant. This solves a multitude of issues especially where design features or support utilities may conflict with an exact location.
Nick concludes “My confidence in specifying this product for future jobs is certainly further reinforced and I am delighted to have such a high quality showcase of the product here in Hong Kong.”